Your EV Command Center

Orange's dashboard makes managing apartment charging networks easy and scalable. Designed from day one with powerful energy and payment management tools.
Top of laptop screen showing orange's UI for property managers, like what a property looks looks like and banking, energy and usage data.

Manage your entire portfolio

Measure what matters most with OrangeOS. Manage thousands of stations across multiple apartment communities getting insights into how each site or individual station is performing.
Picture of Orange's software showing listed Outlets on screen with status along with a smartphone screen showing a list of properties.iPhone mockup

Cutting-edge features for easy site management

Powerful, self-serve management features to help you track, plan, and monazite your Orange Outlets from one easy-to-use platform.

Set Energy Cost

Set your local energy provider costs to manage time-of-use changes ensuring that you and your residents are being billed the proper amount.

Automatic Payments

OrangeOS monitors the energy used by each resident and bills them accordingly then remits payment back to you each month for the energy they used.

Manage Everything

Mange hundreds of stations across multiple sites, set kWh pricing to meet your needs, monitor energy usage, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Achieve True ROI

Orange built a business plan for property owner to monetize their stations while still providing affordable access to EV charging for residents.

Trusted by Large Developers and Small Property Owners

Orange's revolutionary products have brought affordable EV installs to multi-family communities, builders, owners, operators and designers across North America.
Trusted by leading utilities, design firms, companies, and landlords